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Why have a blog on my website?

Why have a blog on my website?

Blogging is a very powerful way of getting potential clients to visit your website, become familiar with you and furthermore enquire about your services, why have a blog on my website? here are some key points.

  • To attract potential clients to your website or service
  • Show off your expertise and show your skillset
  • Make readers trust in your products or services

Tips and Tricks for writing a great Blog Post

why have a blog on my website?

Things you should include in a Blog post

Firsty you need focus on the topic for the blog post, above all try to keep focused on that main topic and not wander from the key focus of the blog page.

Further more make sure your title is strong and relevant to the topic of the page, therefore if you have decided on a keyword or phrase that you are trying to promote certainly use this in your title.

Have a notepad to make notes as you create your page, you may think of items you want to include but would be more relevant further down your page.

You will be suprised that ideas and points you hadn’t thought of as you start writing your blog post.

Images in your content

Images and graphics play a big part in keeping your reader on the page therefore making your post interesting and informative in a graphic way as well as text content.

Try to break up your blog with images relevant to the paragraph where the images appear, maybe above the paragraph or immediately below.

The size of the images on a blog post are also important because social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn can display images when your post is shared.

The ideal size image for Twitter is 1024 x 512 px where as a Facebook image would be better in 800 x 1200 px format, try to create images in both sizes to add to your content it may help you later when your blog gets liked and shared.

Attention to detail

Excited reading blog post why have a blog on my website

Grab the attention of your readers with a bold introduction as its the first thing people see when looking at your page, this can be in Text or image format, also this is sometimes better added after you have written the content, as a result you get a feel for page and what the main impact point is to engage the reader.

Break up your posts into relevant sections with a bold sub heading introducing what the reader is about to read, this is important as your reader may be looking for something specific and a bold subheader will attract them to the information they are looking for.

Text on your blog page

Text content is the most important part of your post it needs to be informative but not like an essay where your reader becomes bored, hence keep paragraphes short with a space between each paragraph give your reader a short break, before thrilling them with the next informative paragraph.

It is recommended that you should have in the region of 1000 words on a post to rank high in search results on the World Wide Web, therefore make sure you research your post above all have plenty of information before starting to write.

Bullet points and lists

A blog can be very successful! most noteworthy one perfectly created blog post can do you more good than having fifty poorly written and rushed blog posts, as a result certainly giving your blog a better search engine ranking.

Try to incorperate lists or bullet points because this will help your reader identify key points and not make them overwhelmed with long text sentences.

Search Engine Optimisation

If you use WordPress I recommend Yoast for editing SEO it is easy to use and gets great results.

Try to make your Search Engine Optimisation go green or have a tick on each optimisation section.

Good optimisation will make your blog post strong with quality Titles, descriptions, keywords or phrases.

Consequently your blog post will be ranked well by search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo to name a few.

If you are using a different format for your blog there are plenty of free online tools for checking your pages SEO strength try them out and find one that you like to use.

Sharing blog content

Add sharing buttons and a comment box as a result your reader can interact with you or share your great content with others.

You will see below this Why have a blog on my website? post there are sharing buttons of all types so you could easily share this post on Facebook, Twitter or more! which would be great for me and also would be great if your posts were shared in the same way.

blogging tips why have a blog on my website?

Blogging Points to remember

  1. Focus on your main topic throughout your post
  2. Have a Strong Title to engage with your reader
  3. Display relevant Images to break up your text
  4. A bold Introduction keeps your reader reading
  5. Use bold sub headings to pinpoint sections of your page
  6. Keep paragraphs short and use correct punctuation
  7. Keep text informative to your blog topic
  8. Write as close to 1000 words as possible
  9. Use lists and bullet points this also helps with SEO
  10. Strong SEO titles, descriptions and keywords
  11. Add sharing buttons so that your reader can spread the word
  12. Add a comments box so that you get feedback about your blog post

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post “Why have a blog on my website?” above all you have learned a few tips and tricks for creating your blog posts.

Keep your content fresh, interesting and relevant consequently ensuring your reader takes away with them a few good thoughts about your blogs topic.

Follow my blog posts

Please feel free to subscribe to my newsletter, you will recieve a notification when new posts are submitted to this blog.

I will only add posts that I feel are useful and interesting for website design, blog writing, software information or anyything related to web page building.

Also I will similarly include graphics, search engine optimisation and technical tutorials.

Furthermore if you would like your own blog and you need help with hosting, design and setting it up please contact Shropshire Web Design

I would love to help you start your blog and give you basic instructions so you can also start blogging online.

Finally thanks for reading this page “Why have a blog on my website?” if you would like to leave a comment below please do.

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