Frequently Asked Questions

Website designing always comes with its challenges not only from a web designer's perspective but also from new clients who have plenty of questions about the processes involved in creating their beautiful new website. This FAQ page will outline some of the questions we often get asked, giving you a better understanding of the requirements needed to make the process run smoothly.

How long does a website take to build?

Every website is different so it is very difficult to put an exact timeframe on the length of time a build will take, In most cases, a website will take up to 2 weeks to complete providing all the relevant content is provided and a site structure is ascertained from the outset.

There are some things to consider before your new website is built such as a colour scheme to match your business, what pages you would like on your website, and what you want the website to achieve.

The more information you can provide for a website designer will determine the length of time it takes to build.

What information do I need to provide?

A website designer will require the majority of the text for each page they develop, the designer will have a basic knowledge of your business structure, but is not able to write the content for you, after all only you as the business owner are an expert in your particular business and you alone will know what you want to convey to your clients.

The designer will also require any images that need to be added to any pages if required, this can include, images of your staff for a team page, and images of your business products or services.

The designer will also require complex text that is specific to your website such as a privacy policy, or terms and conditions.

Do you offer ongoing help with a website once it is launched?

Here at Shropshire Web Design, we provide what we call managed hosting, what that means is once your website has been launched, any changes you want to make to existing pages we will do for you for FREE! this includes text changes, adding images, or changing them. The only time you may incur an additional cost is if you add new pages that need to be built by the designer.

Can I edit my website myself after it is launched?

Of course, the website will belong to you once completed, we will even guide you about the best practices when editing or adding a blog post, the only downside to editing a site yourself is if you get it wrong it could break the site! it would not be our responsibility if you do break the site and you could be charged to try and put it right! The most important thing to remember is if you don’t know ask an expert first certainly before you press anything that says delete!

Will my website work on smartphones and tablets?

Yes, all of our website designs are created to be responsive, this means that the scale of the website will alter to match the viewing screen it is viewed on.

Can I get you to find a domain name for me?

Yes, we are able to source a domain name and link it to your website, domain name prices do vary so it will depend on the name you require for the website, and of course if that name is available, we will help to find a suitable domain name and liaise with you before going ahead.

Will my website be found on search engines?

Yes, each website built will have a sitemap that can be linked to search engines so that they can index your website to make it searchable within their index.

Can you help my webste to rank on search engines?

Yes, we provide search engine optimization for your new site, which will provide structured metadata that helps you to rank as high as possible within search engine results.